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Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Things to do while in self isolation

This post was originally called things to do when your bored but given the current lock-down it seemed fitting to change the title. Im not self isolating as im classed as a key worker (i work in a supermarket) but i am social distancing when i'm not at work.

1.Have a Declutter

You know the one that i mean the one you always put off because you had no time maybe its your wardrobe or your makeup i know mine is !

2. Pamper yourself

I don't know about you but i always feel better when i have a pamper you don't even have to do a full pamper sometimes just doing a face mask or your nails makes you feel better and takes your mind off everything for 15/30 mins

3. Watch TV

Maybe you have things recorded that you haven't got around to watching well now's the time

4. Watch Netflix or Amazon prime or Disney+

Binge a box-set im currently rewaching Grey's Anatomy before i move on to Disney+

5.Start a scrapbook

If you dont own a printer or a photo printer there are a couple of free photo apps that allow you to get photos all you do is pay postage - Free-prints Snap Fish Boots Photo are the main ones i use but i also have a instax photo printer but the photo paper is expensive !

6. Face-time tour family and friends

Missing your family or friends instead of phoning them face-time them or even whats-app video them if they don't have a iPhone. Me and my mum are going to try face timing my grandma what could go wrong aha

7. Start a blog or a YouTube channel

Always wanted to give it ago ? well now is the time what better time to try it and if its not for you well then you know !

8. Read a Book

You can easily get lost in a book for a couple of hours

9. Bake

Doesn't matter if your cake comes out as flat as a pancake (mine does) or whatever you bake as long as it tastes OK you've made yourself and your family or just yourself a tasty treat (:

10. Learn a new skill

Learn a new language or learn to knit or draw or whatever takes your fancy

11. Watch a movie

Get all cosy with fairy lights snacks and the film of your choice perfect

12. Dance it out !

Ever watched Grey's Anatomy and seen Grey and Yang dance it out to where does the love go if not then just pop your fave tune on and dance it out

13. Exercise

Doesn't have to be a full on sweaty work out (one of my idea's off hell) Yoga Pilates zumba are good ways to release tension and stress.

14. Play board-games

Remember how long monopoly used to take and the arguments oh the memories board games are not just for Christmas

15. use your one form of exercise a day wisely

Walk the dog , go for a run , go for a walk enjoy the time you have outside as its now limited

16. Do some online shopping

This is very dangerous for your bank balance but also gives you something to look forward to

17. Dye your hair

If you've been wanting to experiment with a colour but have chickened out now is the perfect time as hardly anyone will see it

18. back up your phone

You never know what you have until its gone (whoa that got deep) but if you lost everything on your phone and you didn't have a back up you would be devastated well at least i would

19. find a pen-pal

Become the reason someone smiles when the post comes so its not all bills

20. Reach out to someone if your struggling

Please please if your mental health is struggling during the self isolation please reach out to someone dont suffer in silence

Becki x

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