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Friday, 19 April 2019

Honesty Time

Hey everyone 

I always say honesty is the best policy but lately Iv been lying to you all and for that I’m really sorry. 

I’m not doing to well with my mental health I’m snappy at everyone I just want to be left alone (which isn’t easy when you still live at home) I know I’m not depressed (I know the signs for that as Iv been depressed before) maybe it’s my anxiety but I don’t know.

I think what’s affecting me more is if you read my reasons why men suck post then you’d know about this but let’s call him Instagram guy is off for Easter to meet his gf parents I only know this because he told me and it shouldn’t bother me I know it shouldn’t but I think the reason why it has so much is because he kept us secret from his mates his family everyone where as I told people about me and him and I suppose in a way lead me on or maybe it was me maybe I friendzoned him ? As I have a habit of doing that whenever anyone gets close to me which is why I’m still single 🤦🏼‍♀️ I know your all shouting at your screens why am I still talking to him because I love talking to him he’s great when I’m a big anxiety mess but Iv left him on read today and Iv never done that Iv also turned my show when I’m active on messenger so I’m not tempted to message him not that he will care that Iv left him on read or that I havn’t check led in for a few days (I’m hoping to not message him this whole weekend let’s see how long that lasts) Also side note when I asked him if they were bf n gf he went yeah we are haha why haha why not a smiley face am I the only one who finds that weird probably 😂 

It also doesn’t help that I’m basically losing my best friend it always seems to be me contacting her unless she needs something from me I can’t always be the one checking in when I don’t get anything back. 

Maybe it is my anxiety making all this in to a big thing or maybe I’m overthinking but I do know something isn’t quite right with my mental health and I think all this has contributed to it just typing it out now feels better.

So thank you for listening (well reading lol) 

Becki x

Saturday, 6 April 2019

The Blogger Recognition Award

I always knew i wasn't the best blogger at keeping up my blog but it turns out im now a terrible blogger as i was tagged in this by the lovely Tiffany from Food and other loves on the 6th March 2017 !! I am publicly apologizing to Tiffany for taking 3 years to finally complete this tag. 


Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
Write a post to show your award
Give a brief story of how your blog started
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to
Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created

How My Blog Started 

The Blog your reading now iv had since August 2016 but i actually had another blog which i started way back in 2014 but i had to get rid off it due to blogger not saving any off my posts and the fact that when you clicked on my blog it took you to a hook up site which wasn't what my blog was about at all !! I started my blog as i loved reading sprinkle of glitters blog and decided to give it ago myself and here we are almost 6/7 years later if my math is correct lol !

Advice to new Bloggers 

Just be yourself - Write about what you want to write about dont just copy other bloggers who are successful as people see through that straight away. People will respect you so much more if your blog is unique to you.

Interact with other bloggers- Find other blogs you love to read follow the people on social media , join in on twitter chats ,create a group chat on whatsapp it really is limitless and who knows you might actually end up forming life long friendships with these people (: 

It says to tag 15 other bloggers but seeing as this is from 3 years ago im pretty sure that everyone has already done this post. So if your reading this and you haven't been nominated or you just want to do it then i tag you (: let me know if you do the tag as id love to read it and comment on them (: 

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