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Monday, 25 March 2019

Reasons Why Men Suck

I'm not saying its all guys , most of you are probably very nice , it just seems to be i meet the shit guys or the guys who start out lovely then show their true colours (these are the worst). 

If you are a guy and your reading this I'm pretty sure you could write a post on why women suck and to be fair some women do.

1/. They only want sex !!

I'm not a prude i love sex as much as the next person but i am sick and tired of talking to guys and all they want to do is get in to my pants !!. I think they really want to get to know me and he likes me as we are meeting up and talking everyday but he's only doing that as he thinks I'm going to let him fuck me. I'm not naive i knew if i had given in and said yes that would off been it he would of had his fun and i would of been left hurt and angry - Apparently not just my experience from research. 

2/. They can become nasty and hurtful 

Following on from they just want sex if you do turn them down regardless of reason not all men may i just add just immature ones who will start saying hurtful stuff 
E.G - I was only doing it for a bet 
You wont get anyone better then me (newsflash men we do)
No-one will fuck you you fat beach whale and so on. Now these do not affect me in fact they make me laugh but imagine if you said it to a girl and she believed all those things or shes in a bad state she could do something maybe something irreversible just think next time guys. 

3/.They are liars 

They say things you want to hear , They tell you that they are single or just not ready to date yet. 
My personal Fave (this happened to me today)
You think they are still single and in to you as your working out when you can next see him due to working shifts and talking to him everyday only to find out via instagram that hes in a relationship and only tells you when you confront him !! I'm almost positive he wouldn't of told me if i hadn't of confronted him. 

I'm almost 99.9% sure the guy iv just told you about ^^ doesn't know i have a blog i have mentioned no names as I'm not nasty and if you are reading this and you know the last one is about you i promise I'm not being nasty and its not a swipe at you the rest of the post isn't about you it's just the Instagram bit. I will say i thank the guy for bringing me out of my comfort zone and making me try new things and for making me less anxious when i met up with you you have comfort zen about you. If im being totally honest you did inspire this post when i found out but that's it.

Please tell me that some decent guys exist ?? 

Becki x

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