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Monday, 12 December 2016

Blogmas day 12 - Least favorite thing about christmas

This has always been my least favorite thing about christmas and may always will be. 
Its the fact that christmas is a competition to a lot off people. 
Weather you compete with the neighbors with your outdoor christmas decorations until your house can be seen from space its that bright or your parents are divorced and they compete with who buys you more at christmas - my parents did this a lot when we were little and still do it to a extent now but not as much or maybe its yourself that isn't satisfied with what you get at christmas if you find out that someone got the latest iPhone and you only got the iPhone 6. 

I hate how the holiday that is all about giving has turned in to who can spend the most money and we are all guilty off that me included but its never going to stop and the shops dont help either with all the advertising that make you buy more with the deals that they run. 

Dont get me wrong im no way a scrooge i love christmas just hate how much its been commercialized. Im sorry that this post is a bit of a downer a funnier more upbeat one will be up tomorrow 

becki x

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