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Thursday 1 December 2016

Blogmas day one - The christmas tag

So i thought what with this being a new blog and all and since im not doing vlogmas this year (blogpost on why im not can be found Here .that i would do blogmas its not going to be all tags well ok a few will be thrown in but i thought to kick us off for blogmas i would do the old favorite liked by youtubers and bloggers alike its the christmas tag i will just say i typed in the christmas tag to google and clicked on the first blog that came up so it maybe the one your familiar with or might not as i thought it only had ten questions but this one has 17 lol and without further ado lets get on with the questions 

1. What is your favorite christmas film ? 

The Grinch of course it just makes me feel so christmasy and i love the song featured in it - where are you Christmas - faith hill

Image result for the grinch dvd

2. Have you ever had a white christmas ? 

Growing up in England you would think i have seeing as many people think it just rains and is cold all the time but alas i dont think iv ever had a white christmas we tend to have snow before christmas or it starts on boxing day 

3. Where do you normally spend the holidays ?

At my mums we see family before christmas day but christmas day its self we spend at my mums 

4. Whats your favorite christmas song 

Shakin Stevens - merry christmas everyone - just puts me in such a good christmasy mood though i have to say that Santa in the video looks a little creepy 

5. Do you open any presents christmas eve ? 

When my mum and dad were together we were never allowed we being me and my brother but once they split up it became a tradition to open all of dads presents but as we got older mum restricted it to just opening one of dads on christmas eve. 

6. Can you name all of santas reindeer ? 

Rouldoplh Blitzen  Prancer donner comet - cant remember the others someone fill in the rest in the comments please (:

7. What christmas traditions are you most looking forward to this year ?

A couple of days before christmas we visit my grandma and do what we call a present run and exchange presents with the rest of the family and see my uncle and his wife who live in america so we only get to see them at christmas. Christmas eve we do the mad dash to crystal peaks for things we have forgotten and then christmas morning we always eat breakfast before going to open presents thats something my parents have always assisted on. 

8. Is your christmas tree real or fake ? 

We have tried a real christmas tree when i was a tiny baby i remember it from photos but my mum hated the clean up so since then we have always had fake trees which is easier now we have animals. 

9. What is your all time Favorite holiday food/sweet treat 

Unless i take my lactase tablets i cant really eat chocolate unless i have the dairy free equivalent. but christmas day after the dinner has been eaten and you have announced that your not eating anything else till new years your that stuffed someone will go anyone for afters or pudding and of course you say yes and my mum makes the best dairy free apple crumble so after the ramble thats my fave holiday food. 

10. Be Honest: Do you like receiving gifts or giving gifts better ?

If you had asked me a couple of years ago my answer would of been receiving presents but as iv gotten older and been able to buy presents myself i much prefer going out buying them wrapping them and seeing people open them (:

11. What is the best christmas gift you have ever received ?

Every present i get im so lucky to get so everything iv ever received (:

12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season ?

New York with out a shadow of a doubt iv always said if i was ever lucky enough to be able to go to new York then id love to go at Christmas. 

13. Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably ?

Id like to class myself as a pro wrapper and they do look nice but when you watch people struggling to open their presents with the mountain of sellotape you have put on them to make sure no-one has a peak before the big day may beg to differ lol

14. Most memorable holiday moment ?

I dont really have one our Christmases tend to be the same year in year out and i wouldn't have it any other way (: 

15. What made you realize the truth about Santa ?

I either saw my parents taking the presents downstairs on christmas eve or someone told me at primary school and i asked my parents its one of the two its quite late so im not going to ring my mum and ask her lol dont think she'd be to pleased lol.

16. Do you make new year resolutions ? and do you stick to them ?

I always make new year resolutions and i always fail by the 2nd week in January its so bad.

17. What makes the holidays special for you ? 

Seeing family we are all so busy during the year and with one of my uncles living in america we really only see him when he comes over for Christmas so i really cherish the time we all spend together at Christmas.

So now you know abit more about my Christmas id like to know about yours feel free to answer some of the questions in the comments or if you have done this tag please leave a link below or if you have done the tag on YouTube then let me know and i will view and read them all (: 

becki x 

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