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Thursday 22 December 2016

Blogmas day 19- What im grateful for this year

In December i think its very easy to get get wrapped up in christmas and as iv said before i hate how its become a competition between everyone if its not how many presents you get its competing with your neighbors for the best lights on the front of your house and so on. I think we forget what we are grateful for. 

Here are mine ...

1. I have a roof over my head
2. I have food in the house 
3. I have a family who love me 
4. I dont have many friends but the ones i do i couldn't ask for better 
5. I wake up every morning
6. I have my health 
7. I have my pets 
8. I have money - not a lot but it still enables me to buy what i need
9. A bed to sleep in
10. Being Safe 

You could be having the worse day ever but please remember that if you have all off these on the list or only a few someone who doesn't have any would be grateful for just one. 

Becki x

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